
“Help!” is the shortest, most primal prayer.  It acknowledges our insufficiency for whatever is in front of us.  It’s humble.  I’ve been spending a lot of time with my young grandchildren lately, and they need a lot of help.  They need a boost to get to high places, their shoes tied and their coats zipped,…

Interconnection: Being Means “Being With”

Ubuntu speaks about our interconnectedness. You can’t be human all by yourself.–Desmond Tutu Sin has been defined as separation – from God, from others, from the earth, from our very selves.  God built us for interconnection, not separation. I’ve been thinking lately about white supremacy.  And it occurs to me that, at its root, white…

Make Yourself Deeply Uncomfortable

Walking through the grocery store a while ago I saw a man wearing a t-shirt that said, “Comfort is a slow death.”  It’s true.  Comfort amounts to self-imposed and culturally imposed guardrails limiting what we think we can do.  It’s seductive: warm and well-fed we are so easily tamed.  I’m reminded of the scene in…